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Wedge Dead End for OPGW

HuaDong’s Optical Ground Wire (OPGW) wedge dead end improves the ease and speed of installing OPGW as compared to bolted and formed wire devices. The wedge dead end is sold mostly assembled and only requires connecting three components (the body, top wedge and locking pin) during preparation.


Wedge Dead End for Optical Ground Wire (OPGW) Detail:

HuaDong’s Optical Ground Wire (OPGW) wedge dead end improves the ease and speed of installing OPGW as compared to bolted and formed wire devices. The OPGW wedge dead end is sold mostly assembled and only requires connecting three components (the body,top wedge and locking pin) during preparation. The unique cam action in the pivoting cable guide ensures proper alignment of the wedges prior to loading and the wedges automatically provide the necessary gripping action to meet the holding strength requirements. A removal tool (sold separately) is available to unlock the wedges for situations requiring additional adjustment of the dead end.
OPGW Wedge Dead End
OPGW Wedge Dead End

Wedge Dead End for Optical Ground Wire (OPGW) Features

  1. • Range: 0.375 - 0.750 in. (9.5 - 19.0 mm)
  2. • Designed for 95% of the cables rated breaking strength up to 25,000 lbs.(11,340 kg)
  3. • Cable Guide (not optional) to train OPGW down or around structure
  4. • Optional link plate available for extension from structures
  5. • Approved for use with AlumaCore,CentraCore and HexaCore OPGW designs
Removal Tool inserted into OPGW Wedge Dead End
Removal Tool inserted into OPGW Wedge Dead End

Wedge Dead End for Optical Ground Wire (OPGW) Advantages:

  • • Three loose components as compared to 15+ with bolted dead ends
  • • No bolts to torque – self locking wedge design secures the cable
  • • Eliminates human error associated with proper torque on bolted dead ends
  • • Shorter and easier to install than formed wire dead ends
  • • Optional removal tool allows wedges to be easily unlocked when required
  • • Quicker installation times as compared to bolted and formed wire models
  • • No special tools required for installation

 Technical Index

Wedge Dead End for OPGW Specifications:

ODEW377/397 0.377 0.397 9.56 10.08 16 7.3
ODEW398/418 0.398 0.418 10.09 10.62 16 7.3
ODEW419/439 0.419 0.439 10.63 11.15 16 7.3
ODEW440/460 0.44 0.46 11.16 11.68 16 7.3
ODEW461/481 0.461 0.481 11.69 12.22 16 7.3
ODEW482/502 0.482 0.502 12.23 12.75 16 7.3
ODEW503/523 0.503 0.523 12.76 13.28 16 7.3
ODEW524/544 0.524 0.544 13.29 13.82 16 7.3
ODEW545/565 0.545 0.565 13.83 14.35 16 7.3
ODEW566/586 0.566 0.586 14.36 14.88 16 7.3
ODEW587/607 0.587 0.607 14.89 15.42 16 7.3
ODEW608/628 0.608 0.628 14.43 15.95 16 7.3
ODEW629/649 0.629 0.649 15.96 16.48 16 7.3
ODEW650/670 0.65 0.67 16.49 17.02 16 7.3
ODEW671/691 0.671 0.691 17.03 17.55 16 7.3
ODEW692/712 0.692 0.712 17.56 18.08 16 7.3
ODEW713/733 0.713 0.733 18.09 18.62 16 7.3
ODEW734/754 0.734 0.754 18.63 19.15 16 7.3

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